Te Reo Māori Introduction 1


It is the intention of this course to deliver you a basic understanding of some language structures, grammar, pronunciation and concepts that are core of the indigenous people of Aotearoa, Ngā Iwi Māori - the Māori people. It is impossible to cover everything, but we hope this course will provide the foundation for your journey towards learning about the people, the language, and the beliefs of Ngā Iwi Māori.

  • Mondays, 1-3pm

  • Start date: 10 February

  • Course Length: 8 weeks

  • Cost: $60 (NZ citizens) / $155

  • Tutor: Eda Tang

This class is run by Selwyn Community Education and is held at Parnell Community Centre

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It is the intention of this course to deliver you a basic understanding of some language structures, grammar, pronunciation and concepts that are core of the indigenous people of Aotearoa, Ngā Iwi Māori - the Māori people. It is impossible to cover everything, but we hope this course will provide the foundation for your journey towards learning about the people, the language, and the beliefs of Ngā Iwi Māori.

  • Mondays, 1-3pm

  • Start date: 10 February

  • Course Length: 8 weeks

  • Cost: $60 (NZ citizens) / $155

  • Tutor: Eda Tang

This class is run by Selwyn Community Education and is held at Parnell Community Centre

It is the intention of this course to deliver you a basic understanding of some language structures, grammar, pronunciation and concepts that are core of the indigenous people of Aotearoa, Ngā Iwi Māori - the Māori people. It is impossible to cover everything, but we hope this course will provide the foundation for your journey towards learning about the people, the language, and the beliefs of Ngā Iwi Māori.

  • Mondays, 1-3pm

  • Start date: 10 February

  • Course Length: 8 weeks

  • Cost: $60 (NZ citizens) / $155

  • Tutor: Eda Tang

This class is run by Selwyn Community Education and is held at Parnell Community Centre

To learn Te Reo Māori, it is essential to also learn Te Ao Māori (the world of Māori). Many words and phrases can only be understood when viewed through the lens of Te Ao Māori. For this reason, Tikanga Māori (values, beliefs and processes within Māori social structures) will be interwoven as an integral part of the course structure.

Course content includes:

  • Māori alphabet and pronunciation

  • Greetings

  • Introductions

  • Farewells

  • Counting/prices

  • Telling the time

  • Asking and responding to simple questions

  • Introduction to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Waitangi Tribunal

  • Māori proverbs

  • Introduction to te Pōwhiri (ceremonial welcome)

  • Tikanga Māori

Learning outline for Te Reo Māori Introduction 1

By the end of the course you'll be able to:

  • Understand the basics of the Māori spiritual and natural worlds (mana atua, mana whenua), and our important connections to them

  • Identify the sound of Māori letters and pronounce letter combinations using correct intonation and stress patterns

  • Confidently greet people, introduce yourself and communicate basic personal information in an informal context

  • Identify and respond to phrases in the classroom including basic commands/instructions

  • Confidently describe the day/date, time, and the weather

  • Count in Māori

You'll also participate in a ‘dress rehearsal’ marae visit on the last night.

Italian - Beginners
Korean - Beginners
Arabic- Beginners
French - Full Beginners, Group 1 (A1.0)
French - Beginners, Group 2 (A1.2)